Discoveries that led to the discovery of the ECS:
Many discoveries were made before the Endocannabinoid System was truly identified and set apart as a new medical discovery in the early nineties. It began with the DNA sequencing of the encoding process of a cannabinoid in the brain. This initial research study was led by Lisa Matsuda with the National Institute of Mental Health. They were conducting research on the effects of THC in the brain. Possibly why this was not discovered until the early nineties is because the DNA sequencing technology had not been developed in a way to make such research cost effective. It is amazing to think that such a vital system that effects all other functions in the body was just discovered 30 years ago. Science is now catching up with human intuition. Watch video on the discovery of the endocannabinoid system.
Lisa Matsuda with the National Institute of Mental Health mapped the DNA sequence of cannabinoid receptors in the brain.
Identified CB2 receptors in the peripheral nervous and immune systems.
Dr. Lumir Hanus and Dr. William Devane discovered two endocannabinoids.
Following metabolic pathways of phytochemicals, led Hanus and Devane to the discovery of the ECS.
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